Being involved in a motor vehicle whether as a driver, passenger, or pedestrian can be a traumatic experience for an individual and can result in fear and avoidance. The assessment consists of an initial assessment with an Occupational Therapist or Psychologist who interviews the client to determine individual driver/passenger/pedestrian related concerns and the parameters of the client’s vehicular related driver anxiety and fear. The in-vehicle portion of the assessment is completed with the Certified Driving Instructor and Occupational Therapist/Psychologist and provides graded exposure to a variety of road conditions while monitoring the client’s heart rate and fear/anxiety symptoms in a variety of traffic situations.
An in-vehicle treatment is prepared by the Occupational Therapist/Psychologist and completed with a Certified Driving Instructor, who specializes in driver anxiety rehabilitation therapy. The in-vehicle treatment is tailored to address the client’s unique driving related needs. The goal of the treatment is to improve confidence and reduce a client’s level of fear surrounding driver/passenger/pedestrian travel.
Contact us today Local: (647) 499-4620 ext. 201 / Toll Free: 1-844-413-7483 ext. 201 or email our customer service representative with any questions may have.